Graphic Design Services

Your source for Affordable graphic design in Baton Rouge

In this day and age almost all graphics are digital. In practical terms 'digital graphics' are graphic designs that are created on a computer and can therefore be transferred by means of digital systems like CDs, E-Mail and the Internet.  We can save them for you on a CD or upload them to DropBox; anything goes!

Everything from the logo on your t-shirt to the design of your convention booth; art for your product labels, PowerPoint presentation, flyers, banners, refrigerator magnets, calendars and book covers, and so much more... And then  of course there are the regular business staples like stationery, print ads, signs for your office and your front lawn, brochures, keychains, hats and everything else - we do it all!


All we need is a set of specifications!

We need the 'specs.'  That's a terms you'll never want to fully understand (and don't ever have to) which is consistently used throughout the industry for a printing company to tell a designer how to deliver the digital art.  We call that a 'mechanical' even though it's virtual and for tax purposes doesn't really exist. ( Should I put a smiley face here? ). To produce your calendar or postcard with the optimal brilliance we request these specifications from your printer. They tell us the correct size, resolution, colors available, bleed and positioning for the piece and from that list we construct it accordingly.

While most of the time we refer to printed materials when discussing digital graphic designs, we wouldn't want you to forget the whole world of digital web graphics. We've devoted half our website presentation to the design of websites, web banners, and so much more. Program splash art and icons, web buttons and flash animations are just some of the digital graphics we can produce for your website - whether we do the whole website or not!


Some Examples:

Secure Software Program Box Design

Box design for CodeAssure Solo
We produced the entire spectrum of graphics for CodeAssure Solo from the splash graphics of the program through the CD label (below) and covers to the box it is sold in.

Master Pro Grease Package Label Design

Label design for MasterPro LMX Greases
The Designsmith has designed labels for over 30 products from various companies. This prototype is for the new MasterPro line of greases which hasn't gone into production yet.

Secure Software CD Label Design with Jewel Box

CD Cover and Jewel Box
You can't send out a CD without a label, and in this case the sleeve is yet another professional touch.

Secure Software Book Cover Design

Book Cover for Secure Software CLASP
No program would be complete without a manual and no design service would be complete if it couldn't produce the cover for the manual.


See Also these Graphic Design Pages:


Want to hear more?

We know you would like us to make this easy for you and we would be happy to do just that so we encourage you to get in touch to find out more about how this works and then decide if it is right for you. CLICK HERE to contact us or call (225) 336-5444.